
Front-end | Data Visualization Engineer


About Me

I'm Ruimin (Raven) Gao, born in China, studying and working in United States.

I'm currently a graduate student studying Computer Graphics Technology at Purdue University, also working as a research assistant for Data Visualization Lab. My interests are focused on data visualization, data mining / Machine learning and web development.

Download my CV

Keywords: Data Visualization, Front-end development, Data mining


Data Visualization

D3.js, Echarts, Highcharts, Vis.js
Tableau, Looker

Front-end Development

Javascript (ES6), HTML, CSS
React, Python, Flask

Data Mining / Machine Learning

Python, Pandas, scikit-learn, Orange3, mySQL, MongoDB

Latest Projects

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Career Mapping

Multi-view Hierarchical Visualization System
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This is a hierarchical interactive visualization system with specific properties, also building reflective visualization with model adjustment and filtering functions.

Horizontal version: Career mapping Image
Heatmap version: Career mapping Image
Gao, R., Li M., Hu, X. & Chen Y. A Hierarchical Interaction Design for Multi-dimensional Flow Datasets. Poster presented at: IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), IEEE VIS 2016; 2016 Oct. 22-28; Baltimore, MD.

Project Founder: Lilly.Inc.

Developer: Raven Gao

Users: High school & College students

Tools: D3.js, PHP, mySQL, Javascript, HTML, CSS

Career Mapping Development

A hierarchical interactive visualization system, guiding users to explore relationships and features among different majors and careers.

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Discriminate Patterns

Pattern/Network Visualization

1. Selector View:
A heatmap of the number of patterns based on different parameters such as support (x-aixs, proportion of pattern existence in all), and aiScore (ratio of active / inactive the pattern locate in) Once you select the specific range, it will generate a list of patterns that satisfy the conditions. View 2 of parallel coordinate updated.


2. Parallel Coordinate + Network:
The dimensions of all patterns selected include: support, aiScore, active compound #, inactive compound # and number of elements in each pattern. Each 2 dimensions (parameter) will form scatter plot for further analysis. Interaction include brushing on both parallel coordinate and scatter plot. The it will generate another list of patterns selected on the up left corner. You can then click on one specific pattern to see more information. go to view 3.

Tree network is a hierarchical network of selected pattern. You can choose confidence level to generate new patterns. (e.g.: pattern 134 will generate patterns like 1345, 1347, 1349) You can click on each node to either collapse or expand children nodes. Color of each node indicate the active vs inactive compound ratio. Size is the frequency of the pattern.


This is a visualization system showing features and network to discriminate patterns of compounds and inner substructures based on medical data.

This system aims to present a matrix-based view to present different type of relationships and data feature presentation. For compound- structure view, For inner relationship exploration of compounds or structures, we can use collaborative filtering to construct self-to-self relationship with the compound-structure matrix we already have. A network can be represented by an adjacency matrix, where each cell ij represents an edge from vertex i to vertex j. Here, vertices represent relationship compounds or structures (in a compound), while edges represent co-occurrence value.

The data basically consists of one large table of compound and the presence and absence of substructures in each compound. Some compounds are active, others are not. The objective is to extract/visualize set of bits “on” which discriminate the actives from the inactives. As this file is very large, we usually compress it. So each column now corresponds to several substructures as shown in the second table. Then a value 1 means that at least one of the substructure is present, and a value of 0 means that none of the substructure is present in the fingerprint.

Data source: Lilly.Inc.

Developer: Raven Gao

Users: Medical Data analyst

Tools: D3.js, Echarts, Python, Flask, Javascript, HTML, CSS

Discriminate Patterns Development

A visualization system exploring features and network to discriminate patterns of high dimensional medical compound data with association rules.

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Crime Analysis

IEEE VAST Challenge 2014
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We present a system of multiple interactive and coordinated views to help visualize and analyze several kinds of large-scale data and complex datasets. This design assists to explore social network involved and analyze natural language used in large-scale datasets, then to make an integrated analysis and presentation of all kinds of objects involved in cases in multiple perspectives and hierarchies. We implemented datasets from VAST Challenge 2014 mini challenge 1 to verify the usability of our design.

Click on pictures below to interact with the graph

1. Coordinate Graph View vast01

2. Multi-lane timeline & social network linkage view vast02

3. Cluster analysis view vast03

4. Event timeline view vast04

Video Demo:

Award & Publication
Vast Challenge 2014: Honorable Mention for Effective Use of Coordinated Visualizations
Gao, R., Tao, H., Chen, H., Wang, W., & Zhang, J. (2014, October). Multi-view display coordinated visualization design for crime solving analysis: Vast challenge 2014: Honorable mention for effective use of coordinated visualizations. In Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 2014 IEEE Conference on (pp. 321-322). IEEE.

Data source: IEEE VAST 2014

Team member: Raven Gao, Han Tao

Tools: D3.js, Highcharts, Vis.js, Python, Javascript, HTML, CSS

Crime Analysis Development

A visualization system to analyze large scale of textual, network and timeline data, with dynamic and coordinated interaction.

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Customer Success Visualization

Measuring how customers value Autodesk products

--> Presentation Link <--

This is a prototype design for Customer Success Visualization, measuring how customers value Autodesk products.

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The primary goal of this project is to provide a visual tool to present data and assist analysis on Customer Success Metrics. The first stage of this project is user study. The user research involves:

1. Interviews with Metric owners
2. Create personal and user scenarios
3. Make sketches
4. Create prototype
5. Evaluation.

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Project Owner: Autodesk Inc.

Designer: Raven Gao

Tools: Sketch, Highcharts, Excel

Customer Success Vis Design + UX

This is an internship project at Autodesk Inc. The system is designed for visualization Customer Success Metrics.

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SF-MUNI Vis Development

Interactive web visualization system for displaying San Francisco MUNI vehicles locations and routes.

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Freshest WEB APP

A web application to help people with access available fresh produce.
Purdue GoldIronHack: best improvement award.

Some Other things....

I love arts, movies, photography, cooking and video games. :D